Tom Koole
List of John Benjamins publications for which Tom Koole plays a role.
Dealing with the dual demands of expertise and democracy: How experts create proximity to the public without undermining their status as experts Pragmatics and Society 15:6, pp. 858–883 | Article
2024 Credible expertise is no longer a given in our contemporary democracy: for knowledge to be authoritative, experts must take into account a wider audience than just scientific colleagues. This study uses conversation analysis and discursive psychology to investigate how experts deal with this… read more
Meaning as referential work: Reflections on the research object of Interactional Semantics Meaning in Interaction: Studies in memory of Jack Bilmes, Deppermann, Arnulf and Elwys De Stefani (eds.), pp. 167–177 | Introduction
2023 This epilogue to the Special Issue on Interactional Semantics discusses the contributions to the Special Issue in relation to other research to support three arguments. (i) The choice of Interactional Semantics to take the referential function of language (Jakobson) as its object of research is… read more
Text selection proposals in dialogic reading in primary school Pragmatics and Society 11:4, pp. 591–614 | Article
2020 In dialogic reading during inquiry learning in primary school, pupils read, think and talk together about text fragments for answering their research questions. This paper demonstrates from a conversational analytic perspective, how the shared activity of text selection is constructed in a goal… read more
Aligning caller and call-taker: The opening phrase of Dutch emergency calls Pragmatics and Society 8:1, pp. 129–153 | Article
2017 This paper reports on conversation analytic research for the Dutch national emergency call-centre. In a corpus study of 120 emergency calls we show that callers’ orientations to their communicative tasks are not aligned to the institutional communicative tasks of the call-takers. In a subsequent… read more
The Interaction Tool Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 4:1, pp. 86–100 | Article
2015 For professionals such as doctors, teachers, or different kinds of counsellors, talking with their clients is a major part of their profession. Professionals and clients give and ask information until they reach a state of mutual knowledge or understanding. This paper argues that for this talk… read more
Emotion display Handbook of Pragmatics: 2015 Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.) | Article
2015 Teacher evaluations: Assessing ‘knowing’, ‘understanding’, and ‘doing’ Evaluating Cognitive Competences in Interaction, Rasmussen, Gitte, Catherine E. Brouwer and Dennis Day (eds.), pp. 43–66 | Article
2012 It is well established that teachers perform evaluations or assessments of student answers. This chapter shows that participants orient to three different dimensions of evaluations: the positive/negative dimension, the object dimension of what is being assessed, and the dimension of the value… read more
De Sociolinguïstiek in Het Nederlandse Taalgebied Anno 2006 Thema's en trends in de sociolinguistiek 5, pp. 9–12 | Article
2006 This article presents an overview of sociolinguistic research in the Dutch-speaking community of The Netherlands and Belgium. The overview is based on the contributions to the 5th Sociolinguistic Conference held in March, 2006, after four earlier conferences in 1991, 1995, 1999 and 1993. Compared… read more
De Sociolinguïstiek in het Nederlandse Taalgebied Anno 2003 Thema's en trends in de sociolinguistiek 4, pp. 9–14 | Article
2003 This article presents an overview of sociolinguistic research in the Dutch-speaking community of the Netherlands and Belgium. The overview is based on the contributions to the 4th Sociolinguistic Conference held in March 2003, after three earlier conferences in 1991, 1995 and 1999. Compared to the… read more
Een Woord is Genoeg: De Constructie van Institutionele Kernbegrippen Taalproduktie, pp. 109–120 | Article
1994 In this article we present an analysis of institutional key words. These are words that are used in institutional communication with a meaning that is peculiar to the organization or institution in which they are used. The meaning of the key words is organized as a cognitive structure which has… read more
"En De Leerkracht Knikte Petra Glunderend Toe": Planning van en Interactie in Thematisch - Cursorisch Taal-Onderwijs Onderwijs als interactieprobleem, pp. 50–69 | Article
1983 The article presented here gives a brief illustration of some results of a case study which took place in 1982. This study fits in with the framework of a larger scale project of the SLO (Foundation for Curriculum Development, Enschede): Language competence in primary school. The goal of this… read more