Nancy D. Bell

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nancy D. Bell plays a role.


Bell, Nancy D. 2018 Pragmatics, humor studies, and the study of interactionPragmatics and its Interfaces, Ilie, Cornelia and Neal R. Norrick (eds.), pp. 291–309 | Chapter
In this chapter, I examine the interface between pragmatics and humor studies, first by outlining the contributions pragmatics has made to our understanding of what humor is and how it functions in everyday interaction. I review research that draws on a range of empirical methods, to illustrate… read more
Bell, Nancy D. 2009 Impolite responses to failed humorHumor in Interaction, Norrick, Neal R. and Delia Chiaro (eds.), pp. 143–164 | Article
The data discussed in this paper come from a larger project designed to address the neglected area of failed humor. A corpus of 207 elicited responses to failed humor was collected. The focus here is on the 44% that were coded as impolite. Findings show that most responses attacked the speaker… read more