Peggy P.K. Mok
List of John Benjamins publications for which Peggy P.K. Mok plays a role.
English intonation in storytelling: A comparison of the recognition and production of nuclear tones by British and Hong Kong English speakers English World-Wide 43:3, pp. 357–381 | Article
2022 This paper presents data for a tightly controlled recognition and production study of English language intonation in reading by speakers of British English and second language learners of English in Hong Kong. We demonstrate a relatively high correlation between the scores for the two studies… read more
Phonological similarity effects in cross-script word processing: Evidence from Sino-Korean word processing by Cantonese learners The Mental Lexicon 16:2/3, pp. 325–361 | Article
2021 The present study explored the conditions under which phonological similarity effects arise without orthographic confounds by testing languages with true cognates but divergent scripts. We investigated the similarities and differences between within- and cross-script processing patterns by… read more
Visual recognition of cognates and interlingual homographs in two non-native languages: Evidence from Asian adult trilinguals Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 10:4, pp. 441–470 | Article
2020 Previous studies on bilingual visual word recognition have been mainly based on European participants, while less is understood about Asian populations. In this study, the recognition of German-English cognates and interlingual homographs in lexical decision tasks was examined in the two… read more
The effects of language immersion on the bilingual lexicon: Evidence from Chinese-English bilinguals Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 7:5, pp. 614–636 | To be specified
2017 Previous studies have consistently found an asymmetry where priming in the L1-L2 direction is stronger than that in the L2-L1 direction. However, some studies showed that an L2 immersion environment could attenuate bilingual speakers’ access to the L1 and result in a ‘bilingual disadvantage’.… read more