Juana M. Liceras

List of John Benjamins publications for which Juana M. Liceras plays a role.


Book series


Subjects Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
This study investigates the narrative abilities of seven Spanish monolinguals and six Spanish – Catalan bilinguals with Prader–Willi syndrome. All participants were asked to narrate A boy, a dog, and a frog (Mayer, 1967) in Spanish. Additionally, bilinguals were also asked to narrate Frog, where… read more
The relationship between prosodic encliticization of the conjunctive coordinator and OV word order (or the equivalent correlation between VO and procliticization) is a strong descriptive universal. Namely, if a language shows prosodic encliticization (prosodic attachment after the initial… read more
Liceras, Juana M. and Raquel Fernández Fuertes 2021 Chapter 8. On the nature of crosslinguistic influence: Root infinitives revisitedL1 Acquisition and L2 Learning: The view from Romance, Avram, Larisa, Anca Sevcenco and Veronica Tomescu (eds.), pp. 203–228 | Chapter
Root Infinitives (RI) in Spanish have an infinitival marker, while in English they are bare forms. For languages like English, the RI stage has been said to be longer and to have a higher incidence than in Spanish. Within Liceras, Bel, and Perales’ (2006) typology of an RI universal stage,… read more
Liceras, Juana M. and Rachel Klassen 2019 Compounding and derivation: On the ‘promiscuity’ of derivational affixesRepresentation and Processing in Bilingual Morphology, Austin, Jennifer R. (ed.), pp. 42–72 | Article
Inflectional affixes only adhere to the head of Noun-Noun (NN) compounds which implies that the plural of casa cuna (‘crib house’) or hombre lobo (‘werewolf’) is casa-s cuna (‘crib houses’) and hombre-s lobo (‘werewolves’) respectively, while *casa cuna-s and *hombre lobo-s ‒ with the plural… read more
Fernández Fuertes, Raquel, Juana M. Liceras and Anahí Alba de la Fuente 2016 Beyond the subject DP versus the subject pronoun divide in agreement switchesRomance Linguistics 2013: Selected papers from the 43rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), New York, 17-19 April, 2013, Tortora, Christina, Marcel den Dikken, Ignacio L. Montoya and Teresa O'Neill (eds.), pp. 79–98 | Article
Previous code-switching literature argues that no switch takes place between a pronoun and a verb, while Determiner Phrases (DPs) do code-switch. This paper uses code-switching acceptability judgment data elicited from three groups of English–Spanish bilinguals (2L1 children, L2 English children… read more
Liceras, Juana M., Raquel Fernández Fuertes and Rachel Klassen 2016 Language dominance and language nativeness: The view from English-Spanish codeswitchingSpanish-English Codeswitching in the Caribbean and the US, Guzzardo Tamargo, Rosa E., Catherine M. Mazak and M. Carmen Parafita Couto (eds.), pp. 107–138 | Article
Investigating the interpretation and production of codeswitched structures involving functional and lexical categories by bilingual speakers constitutes a reliable tool to assess language dominance and/or nativeness. Language dominance has been described and measured in the context of bilingualism… read more
Liceras, Juana M. and Anahí Alba de la Fuente 2015 Typological proximity in L2 acquisition: The Spanish non-native grammar of French speakersThe Acquisition of Spanish in Understudied Language Pairings, Judy, Tiffany and Silvia Perpiñán (eds.), pp. 329–358 | Article
Typologically-close languages such as French and Spanish share many typological universals and macroparametric options but display different microparametric options as well as obvious and subtle morphological, syntactic and processing differences. This counterposed situation that we conceptualize… read more
Fernández Fuertes, Raquel, Juana M. Liceras and Esther Álvarez de la Fuente 2008 Linguistic theory and bilingual systems: Simultaneous and sequential English/Spanish bilingualismLanguages and Cultures in Contrast and Comparison, Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, J. Lachlan Mackenzie and Elsa M. González Álvarez (eds.), pp. 275–297 | Article
Using data from simultaneous and sequential bilingualism, we address a series of learnability issues by investigating the acquisition of four different structures: (i) the [Gender] feature of the Spanish Determiner in the production of English/ Spanish mixed Determiner Phrases; (ii) the… read more
García Mayo, María del Pilar, Amparo Lázaro-Ibarrola and Juana M. Liceras 2006 Agreement in the English Interlanguage of Basque/Spanish Bilinguals: a Minimalist Farewell to proITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 151, pp. 83–98 | Article
This study investigates the status of subject pronouns in the English interlanguage of Basque-Spanish bilinguals from a minimalist perspective. The oral production of 20 participants was analyzed at two different points in their acquisition of English (Time 1:396 hours of exposure; Time 2:564 hours… read more
Liceras, Juana M., C. Martinez, R. Pérez-Tattam, S. Perales and Raquel Fernández Fuertes 2006 L2 Acquisition as a process of Creolization: Insights form child and adult code-mixingL2 Acquisition and Creole Genesis: Dialogues, Lefebvre, Claire, Lydia White and Christine Jourdan (eds.), pp. 113–144 | Article
Liceras, Juana M. 2003 Spanish L1/L2 Crossroads: Can We Get ‘There’ from ‘Here’?Romance Linguistics: Theory and Acquisition, Pérez-Leroux, Ana Teresa and Yves Roberge (eds.), pp. 317–350 | Article
Liceras, Juana M., Lourdes Díaz and Denyse Maxwell 1999 Null subjects in non-native grammars: The Spanish L2 of Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Korean speakersThe Development of Second Language Grammars: A generative approach, Klein, Elaine C. and Gita Martohardjono (eds.), pp. 109–146 | Article
Liceras, Juana M., Biana Laguardia, Zara Fernández, Raquel Fernández and Lourdes Díaz 1998 Licensing and identification of null categories in Spanish non-native grammarsTheoretical Analyses on Romance Languages: Selected papers from the 26th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL XXVI), Mexico City, 28–30 March, 1996, Lema, José and Esthela Treviño (eds.), pp. 263–282 | Article