Wolf-Andreas Liebert

List of John Benjamins publications for which Wolf-Andreas Liebert plays a role.


Discourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics

Edited by Wolf-Andreas Liebert, Gisela Redeker and Linda R. Waugh

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 151] 1997. xiv, 272 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics


Liebert, Wolf-Andreas 1997 Stop Making Sense!: Metaphor and Perspective in Creative Thinking Sessions of Scientists and Scientific Radio BroadcastsDiscourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics, Liebert, Wolf-Andreas, Gisela Redeker and Linda R. Waugh (eds.), pp. 149–184 | Article
Liebert, Wolf-Andreas, Gisela Redeker and Linda R. Waugh 1997 IntroductionDiscourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics, Liebert, Wolf-Andreas, Gisela Redeker and Linda R. Waugh (eds.), pp. ix–xiv | Miscellaneous