Erik Magnusson Petzell

List of John Benjamins publications for which Erik Magnusson Petzell plays a role.


Syntactic Variation and Change

Edited by David Håkansson, Ida Larsson and Erik Magnusson Petzell

Special issue of Linguistic Variation 17:1 (2017) iii, 148 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Typology


Håkansson, David, Ida Larsson and Erik Magnusson Petzell 2017 Introducing syntactic variation and changeSyntactic Variation and Change, Håkansson, David, Ida Larsson and Erik Magnusson Petzell (eds.), pp. 1–7 | Introduction
This paper relates the loss of V-to-I in Swedish, which occurs in the beginning of the 17th century, to changes in the OV system that take place a century before. Prior to ca. 1500, OV is predominantly derived by movement of an argument (Arg) within a single VP (Sg-movement). Such a derivation… read more