Emmanuel Ferragne

List of John Benjamins publications for which Emmanuel Ferragne plays a role.


Ferragne, Emmanuel 2013 Automatic suprasegmental parameter extraction in learner corporaAutomatic Treatment and Analysis of Learner Corpus Data, Díaz-Negrillo, Ana, Nicolas Ballier and Paul Thompson (eds.), pp. 151–168 | Article
In this chapter, an attempt is made to compute automatically suprasegmental – and, in particular, rhythmic – parameters that could be used to distinguish between a group of French learners of English and a group of native speakers. As a preliminary step, an automatic segmentation algorithm is… read more
Arnaud, Pierre, Emmanuel Ferragne, Diana M. Lewis and François Maniez 2008 7. Adjective + Noun sequences in attributive or NP-final positions: Observations on lexicalizationPhraseology: An interdisciplinary perspective, Granger, Sylviane and Fanny Meunier (eds.), pp. 111–125 | Article
Frequent Adjective + Noun sequences in the British National Corpus based on the most frequent ‘central’ adjectives were examined in their use as noun premodifiers and in other uses (predicative, adverbial, or with N being the head of a noun phrase). Hyphenated and non-hyphenated occurrences were… read more