Yang Huang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Yang Huang plays a role.


Huang, Yang 2022 Classifiers in nDrapa: A Tibeto-Burman language in Western SichuanClassifiers, Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. (ed.), pp. 202–238 | Article
This paper introduces noun categorization devices in nDrapa. It argues that nDrapa usually requires both numeral classifiers and verbal action classifiers to express classificatory techniques. Morphologically, classifiers are fused with numerals; without the involvement of classifiers, numerals… read more
Huang, Yang and Fuxiang Wu 2018 Central Southern Guangxi as a grammaticalization areaNew Trends in Grammaticalization and Language Change, Hancil, Sylvie, Tine Breban and José Vicente Lozano (eds.), pp. 105–134 | Chapter
This paper investigates contact-induced grammatical changes that are observed among the Zhuang Tai-Kadai and Sinitic languages in the Central Southern Guangxi Region. Following recent advances in the theoretical analysis of grammaticalization, this paper describes four uncommon grammaticalization… read more