Diane Lillo-Martin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Diane Lillo-Martin plays a role.



Special Issue in Memory of Irit Meir

Edited by Diane Lillo-Martin, Wendy Sandler, Marie Coppola and Rose Stamp

Special issue of Sign Language & Linguistics 23:1/2 (2020) vi, 285 pp.
Subjects Electronic/Multimedia Products | Signed languages | Theoretical linguistics
Chen Pichler, Deborah and Diane Lillo-Martin 2025 Translanguaging in sign language communitiesEpistemological issue: Translanguaging, Flores, Cristina and Neal Snape (eds.), pp. 56–60 | Commentary
Kwok, Lily, Stephanie Berk and Diane Lillo-Martin 2020 Person vs. locative agreement: Evidence from late learners and language emergenceSpecial Issue in Memory of Irit Meir, Lillo-Martin, Diane, Wendy Sandler, Marie Coppola and Rose Stamp (eds.), pp. 17–37 | Article
Sign languages are frequently described as having three verb classes. One, ‘agreeing’ verbs, indicates the person/number of its subject and object by modification of the beginning and ending locations of the verb. The second, ‘spatial’ verbs, makes a similar appearing modification of verb… read more
Lillo-Martin, Diane, Neil Smith and Ianthi Maria Tsimpli 2020 Chapter 6. Age of acquisition effects in language developmentUnderstanding Deafness, Language and Cognitive Development: Essays in honour of Bencie Woll, Morgan, Gary (ed.), pp. 93–113 | Chapter
The most accessible language for deaf children is generally a sign language, but few children have input in sign languages early in life. Late first-language acquisition of a sign language reveals age of acquisition effects that must be taken into consideration by linguistic theories of acquisition. read more
Müller de Quadros, Ronice, Kathryn Davidson, Diane Lillo-Martin and Karen Emmorey 2020 Code-blending with depicting signsLinguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 10:2, pp. 290–308 | Article
Bimodal bilinguals sometimes use code-blending, simultaneous production of (parts of) an utterance in both speech and sign. We ask what spoken language material is blended with entity and handling depicting signs (DS), representations of action that combine discrete components with iconic… read more
Sandler, Wendy, Rose Stamp, Marie Coppola and Diane Lillo-Martin 2020 Irit Meir: Introduction to the special issueSpecial Issue in Memory of Irit Meir, Lillo-Martin, Diane, Wendy Sandler, Marie Coppola and Rose Stamp (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Introduction
Matsuoka, Kazumi and Diane Lillo-Martin 2017 Chapter 5. Interpretation of bound pronouns by learners of Japanese Sign LanguageStudies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In honor of Stephen Crain, Nakayama, Mineharu, Yi-ching Su and Aijun Huang (eds.), pp. 107–126 | Chapter
This study deals with the interpretation of bound pronouns by hearing learners of Japanese Sign Language (JSL). It is the first attempt to investigate JSL second language (L2) acquisition from a theoretical perspective. The Overt Pronoun Constraint (OPC) states that an overt pronoun can be bound by… read more
A wide range of linguistic phenomena contribute to our understanding of the architecture of the human linguistic system. In this paper we present a proposal dubbed Language Synthesis to capture bilingual phenomena including code-switching and ‘transfer’ as automatic consequences of the addition… read more
Müller de Quadros, Ronice, Diane Lillo-Martin and Deborah Chen Pichler 2014 Methodological considerations for the development and use of sign language acquisition corporaSpoken Corpora and Linguistic Studies, Raso, Tommaso and Heliana Mello (eds.), pp. 84–102 | Article
This chapter discusses the building of sign language acquisition corpora. We have developed methodology to collect, transcribe and store data from different contexts of acquisition. The corpora include: deaf children from deaf parents, deaf children from hearing parents, hearing children from deaf… read more
Chen Pichler, Deborah, Julie A. Hochgesang, Diane Lillo-Martin and Ronice Müller de Quadros 2010 Conventions for sign and speech transcription of child bimodal bilingual corpora in ELANAcquiring Sign Language as a First Language / Acquisition d’une langue des signes comme langue première, Sallandre, Marie-Anne and Marion Blondel (eds.), pp. 11–40 | Article
This article extends current methodologies for the linguistic analysis of sign language acquisition to cases of bimodal bilingual acquisition. Using ELAN, we are transcribing longitudinal spontaneous production data from hearing children of Deaf parents who are learning either American Sign… read more