Sabine Reiter

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sabine Reiter plays a role.


Reiter, Sabine 2018 Chapter 13. Evidence for the development of action nominals in Awetí towards ergatively-marked predicatesNonverbal Predication in Amazonian Languages, Overall, Simon E., Rosa Vallejos and Spike Gildea (eds.), pp. 339–364 | Chapter
Non-verbal predicates without any copula occur at a high frequency in Awetí discourse. Especially numerous are action nominals as heads of action nominal constructions (ANCs) with the structure of possessive NPs. There is evidence that in this Tupian language action nominals of a specific type have… read more
The sociolinguistic study, carried out over a period of five years, delineates the development of the Awetí language, spoken by a small Tupian group in the Upper Xingu multilingual area in Central Brazil, during a critical moment when the community split into two. The empirical analysis on… read more