Elisabeth Mauder

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elisabeth Mauder plays a role.


Mauder, Elisabeth and Angelita Martinez 2019 Being polite in ArgentinaColumbia School Linguistics in the 21st Century, Stern, Nancy, Ricardo Otheguy, Wallis Reid and Jaseleen Sackler (eds.), pp. 233–258 | Chapter
This paper focuses on the use of Spanish pronouns in polite-address contexts, where speakers tend to prefer the (dative) form le over the (accusative) forms lo and la. However, previous research has shown that this does not hold for all dialects (García & Otheguy, 1983) nor for all contexts… read more
Mauder, Elisabeth and Vincent J. van Heuven 1996 On the rise and fall of Spanish diphthongsLinguistics in the Netherlands 1996, Cremers, Crit and Marcel den Dikken (eds.), pp. 171–182 | Article