Patrizia Noel Aziz Hanna
List of John Benjamins publications for which Patrizia Noel Aziz Hanna plays a role.
Natural Versification in French and German counting-out rhymes Towards a Typology of Poetic Forms: From language to metrics and beyond, Aroui, Jean-Louis and Andy Arleo (eds.), pp. 101–122 | Article
2009 Nursery rhymes have frequently been regarded as a testing ground for hypotheses concerning metrical and prosodic unmarkedness. The recurrence of tetrametric patterns and the unmarkedness of binary feet, for example, have been interpreted as a universal of child(-directed) verse, and of folk verse… read more
Jespersen’s Cycle and the issue of prosodic ‘weakness’ Advances in Comparative Germanic Syntax, Alexiadou, Artemis, Jorge Hankamer, Thomas McFadden, Justin Nuger and Florian Schäfer (eds.), pp. 197–218 | Article
2009 Jespersen’s Cycle (1917), according to which a negation particle is weakened and therefore later strengthened through an additional element, is a generally accepted explanation in language change. The German data, however, reveals that the weakening of the negation particle preceded the initiation… read more
Bavarian Zwiefache: Investigating the interface between rhythm, metrics and song Towards a Typology of Poetic Forms: From language to metrics and beyond, Aroui, Jean-Louis and Andy Arleo (eds.), pp. 79–100 | Article
2009 The paper offers a language-based hypothesis for the emergence of a Bavarian folk dance called the Zwiefache (‘twofold’). A corpus analysis revealed that rhythm, metrics and song are closely connected in this genre. It is suggested that natural musical systems, as a default, are based on… read more