Joseph Lo Bianco

List of John Benjamins publications for which Joseph Lo Bianco plays a role.



Sociopolitical Perspectives on Language Policy and Planning in the USA

Edited by Thom Huebner and Kathryn A. Davis

[Studies in Bilingualism, 16] 1999. xvi, 365 pp.
Subjects Language policy | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Slaughter, Yvette, Joseph Lo Bianco, Renata Aliani, Russell Cross and John Hajek 2019 Language programming in rural and regional Victoria: Making space for local viewpoints in policy developmentAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 42:3, pp. 274–300 | Article
Despite decades of often ambitious policies in Australia, languages education is still characterized by intermittent commitment to the teaching of languages, with inequitable access particularly entrenched in rural and regional contexts. While research has focused on the practical and material… read more
In recent decades large components of the language sciences have been subjected to relentless critique. Criticism has not been exclusive to those branches directly concerned with application, such as applied linguistics, but it has been particularly robust when directed at language studies modified… read more
Lo Bianco, Joseph 2012 Afterword: Tempted by targets, tempered by resultsDescribing School Achievement in Asian Languages for Diverse Learner Groups, Scarino, Angela and Catherine Elder (eds.), pp. 359–361 | Article
Lo Bianco, Joseph 2007 Our (not so) polyglot polliesAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 30:2, pp. 21.1–21.17 | Article
The present article reports on research conducted during late 2004 on the language abilities of Australia’s parliamentarians and a parliamentary debate in 2005 on languages in Australia. A small questionnaire was administered to all members of the nine legislative structures of Australia comprising… read more
Using the work of Dante to provide a historical perspective, this paper discusses the connection between nations, states and languages. Dante practiced both policy and cultivation approaches and, as a language strategist, he had a profound impact on the language directions of fourteenth-century… read more
McNamara, Tim F. and Joseph Lo Bianco 2001 The distinctiveness of Applied Linguistics in Australia: A historical perspectiveNew Perspectives and Issues in Educational Language Policy: In honour of Bernard Dov Spolsky, Cooper, Robert L., Elana Shohamy and Joel Walters (eds.), pp. 261–269 | Article
Lo Bianco, Joseph 1997 6. English and pluralistic policies: The case of AustraliaLanguage Policy: Dominant English, Pluralist Challenges, Eggington, William and Helen Wren (eds.), pp. 107–120 | Article
Lo Bianco, Joseph 1991 A review of some of the achievements of the National Policy on LanguagesLanguage Planning and Language Policy in Australia, Liddicoat, Anthony J. (ed.), pp. 23–38 | Article
This paper is a review of the achievements of the National Policy on Languages. The National Policy on Languages was adopted by the Federal government in May 1987 and implemented from that date until June 1991. In September of 1991 the Federal government adopted a White Paper entitled Australia’s… read more