Alessio Di Renzo

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alessio Di Renzo plays a role.


Italian Sign Language from a Cognitive and Socio-semiotic Perspective: Implications for a general language theory

Virginia Volterra, Maria Roccaforte, Alessio Di Renzo and Sabina Fontana

[Gesture Studies, 9] 2022. vi, 220 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Gesture Studies | Semiotics | Signed languages


Tomasuolo, Elena, Laura Fellini, Alessio Di Renzo and Virginia Volterra 2010 Assessing lexical production in deaf signing children with the Boston Naming TestAcquiring Sign Language as a First Language / Acquisition d’une langue des signes comme langue première, Sallandre, Marie-Anne and Marion Blondel (eds.), pp. 110–128 | Article
A picture naming task, the Boston Naming Test, originally developed for spoken language, has been adapted to Italian Sign Language in order to assess the vocabulary of Italian deaf signing children. Thirty deaf and thirty hearing children and adolescents (aged 6–14 years) participated in the study.… read more