Sara Greco

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sara Greco plays a role.


Argumentative Style: A pragma-dialectical study of functional variety in argumentative discourse

Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, Sara Greco, Ton van Haaften, Nanon Labrie, Fernando Leal and Peng Wu

[Argumentation in Context, 20] 2022. x, 332 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Argumentation and Meaning: Semantic and pragmatic reflexions

Edited by Steve Oswald, Sara Greco, Johanna Miecznikowski, Chiara Pollaroli and Andrea Rocci

Special issue of Journal of Argumentation in Context 9:1 (2020) v, 166 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Subjects Communication Studies | Dialogue studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Greco, Sara and Chiara Jermini-Martinez Soria 2021 Mediators’ reframing as a constitutive element of a reconciliatory argumentative styleArgumentative Style, Eemeren, Frans H. van (ed.), pp. 73–96 | Article
This paper shows that reframing of conflict can be considered as a constitutive element of a “reconciliatory argumentative style” (van Eemeren, 2019), which is typical of dispute mediators, whose aim is to steer parties towards the resolution of their conflict. On the basis of a systematic… read more
Oswald, Steve, Sara Greco, Johanna Miecznikowski, Chiara Pollaroli and Andrea Rocci 2020 Argumentation and meaningArgumentation and Meaning: Semantic and pragmatic reflexions, Oswald, Steve, Sara Greco, Johanna Miecznikowski, Chiara Pollaroli and Andrea Rocci (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Article
This special issue aims to explore the semantic and pragmatic dimensions of meaning in terms of their significance and relevance in the study of argumentation. Accordingly, the contributors to the project, who have all presented their work during the 2nd Argumentation and Language conference,… read more
Rocci, Andrea, Sara Greco, Rebecca G. Schär, Josephine Convertini, Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont and Antonio Iannaccone 2020 The significance of the adversative connectives aber, mais, ma (‘but’) as indicators in young children’s argumentationArgumentation and Meaning: Semantic and pragmatic reflexions, Oswald, Steve, Sara Greco, Johanna Miecznikowski, Chiara Pollaroli and Andrea Rocci (eds.), pp. 69–94 | Article
Adversative connectives have been analyzed as articulating explicit and implicit facets of argumentative moves and have been thus recognized as potential argumentative indicators. Here we examine adversative connectives Ger. aber, Fr. mais, It. ma (‘but’) in young children’s speech in the… read more
Perret-Clermont, Anne-Nelly, Rebecca G. Schär, Sara Greco, Josephine Convertini, Antonio Iannaccone and Andrea Rocci 2019 Chapter 12. Shifting from a monological to a dialogical perspective on children’s argumentation: Lessons learnedArgumentation in Actual Practice: Topical studies about argumentative discourse in context, Eemeren, Frans H. van and Bart Garssen (eds.), pp. 211–236 | Chapter
In dispute mediation, mediators, perhaps counterintuitively, make the disagreement between parties explicit and formulate their interventions on the disagreement in such a way that the disagreement is made manageable. In this paper, three functions of identifying and elucidating the parties’… read more
This paper sets out to analyse a case study of adult-children interaction in an educational context from a perspective of argumentation. We select a case in which 3 argumentative discussions are opened and we analyse them with the aim of understanding whether they are fully developed from a… read more
Greco, Sara 2015 Argumentation from analogy in migrants’ decisionsScrutinizing Argumentation in Practice, Eemeren, Frans H. van and Bart Garssen (eds.), pp. 265–280 | Article
Basing on the Argumentum Model of Topics (AMT) within the general framework of a pragma-dialectical viewpoint on argumentation, this paper analyses the role of argumentation from analogy in international migrants’ decision-making processes on the basis of a corpus of interviews to migrant mothers… read more
Perret-Clermont, Anne-Nelly, Francesco Arcidiacono, Stephanie Breux, Sara Greco and Céline Miserez-Caperos 2015 Knowledge-oriented argumentation in childrenScrutinizing Argumentation in Practice, Eemeren, Frans H. van and Bart Garssen (eds.), pp. 135–150 | Article
This paper analyzes children’s argumentative discussions centered on the resolution of cognitive tasks, starting from the hypothesis that children’s interventions are more complex and complete than usually described in psychological research on argumentation skills. Our results can be viewed as a… read more
This paper sets out to explore the relation between social argumentation and inner debate by taking into account suggestions from argumentation studies and from social and discursive psychology. It develops Dascal’s (2005) claim that there are metonymical and structural relations between the two… read more
Greco, Sara 2008 The ontology of conflictPragmatics & Cognition 16:3, pp. 540–567 | Article
This paper aims at clarifying the ontology of conflict as a preliminary for constructing a conflict mapping guide (Wehr 1979). After recalling the main definitions elaborated in different disciplines, the meaning of conflict is elicited through semantic analysis based on corpus evidence. Two… read more