Natalia Barranco Izquierdo

List of John Benjamins publications for which Natalia Barranco Izquierdo plays a role.


Faya Ornia, Goretti, Natalia Barranco Izquierdo, M.Teresa Calderón Quindós and Carmen Quijada Diez 2023 Chapter 6. Combining subtitle creation and subtitle alignment in foreign language teaching: A means to foster translation competence and communication skillsInstrumentalising Foreign Language Pedagogy in Translator and Interpreter Training: Methods, goals and perspectives, Seel, Olaf Immanuel, Silvia Roiss and Petra Zimmermann-González (eds.), pp. 97–111 | Chapter
Subtitling and alignment can be used as didactic tools as they contribute to the development of the linguistic, intercultural and instrumental competences that constitute the translation competence. Thus, the aim of this work is to present a methodological framework for translator training using… read more