Dilin Liu
List of John Benjamins publications for which Dilin Liu plays a role.
Corpus Linguistics and Second Language Studies
Edited by Dilin Liu, Xiaofei Lu and Isaiah WonHo Yoo
Special issue of Journal of Second Language Studies 7:2 (2024) v, 192 pp.
Corpus linguistics and second language studies: An introduction Corpus Linguistics and Second Language Studies, Liu, Dilin, Xiaofei Lu and Isaiah WonHo Yoo (eds.), pp. 193–197 | Introduction
2024 A multi-dimensional comparison of the effectiveness and efficiency of association measures in collocation extraction International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 27:2, pp. 191–219 | Article
2022 Because of the ubiquity and importance of collocations in language use/learning, how to effectively and efficiently identify collocations has been a topic of interest. Although some studies have evaluated many of the existing association measures (AMs) used in the automatic identification of… read more
The academic English collocation list: A corpus-driven study International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 23:2, pp. 216–243 | Article
2018 The use of collocations plays an important role for the proficiency of ESL/EFL learners. Hence, educators and researchers have long tried to identify collocations typical of either academic or general English and the challenges involved in learning them. This paper proposes a comprehensive and… read more
A corpus study of Chinese EFL learners’ use of circumstance, demand , and significant : An in-depth analysis of L2 vocabulary use and its implications Journal of Second Language Studies 1:2, pp. 310–333 | Article
2018 This study investigated Chinese EFL learners’ use of circumstance, demand, and significant, three challenging words each being a member in a synonym set: circumstance in the case/circumstance/event/situation set, demand in the ask/demand/request/require set, and significant in the… read more
Actually, Genuinely, Really, and Truly: A corpus-based Behavioral Profile study of near-synonymous adverbs International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 17:2, pp. 198–228 | Article
2012 Using the 400+ million-word Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) as data and a behavioral profile analysis approach, this study examines the semantic and usage differences among actually, genuinely, really, and truly, four near-synonymous adverbs notorious for their complex functional and… read more
Is it a chief, main, major, primary, or principal concern? A corpus-based behavioral profile study of the near-synonyms International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 15:1, pp. 56–87 | Article
2010 Using the Corpus of Contemporary American English as the source data and employing a corpus-based behavioral profile (BP) approach, this study examines the internal semantic structure of a set of five near-synonyms (chief, main, major, primary, and principal).1 By focusing on their distributional… read more
Linking adverbials: An across-register corpus study and its implications International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 13:4, pp. 491–518 | Article
2008 Liking adverbials (LAs) play a very important role in discourse cohesion. This study examines the frequency and usage patterns of English LAs (110 in total) across five registers (Spoken English, Academic Writing, Fiction, News Writing, and Other writings) in the BNC. While the data analyses offer… read more