Kevin Harvey
List of John Benjamins publications for which Kevin Harvey plays a role.
Opening up the NHS to market: Using multimodal critical discourse analysis to examine the ongoing commercialisation of health care Multimodality, Politics and Ideology, Machin, David and Theo van Leeuwen (eds.), pp. 288–303 | Article
2016 Since its implementation, the British Government’s controversial 2013 Health and Social Care Act has had far-reaching effects on health care provision in England, not least the creation of 212 regional practitioner-led clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) which are now responsible for much of… read more
Disclosures of depression: Using corpus linguistics methods to examine young people’s online health concerns International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 17:3, pp. 349–379 | Article
2012 This study details the use of corpus linguistics techniques to interrogate a corpus of adolescent health emails. The analysis focuses on the theme of depression, qualitatively examining how adolescents communicate psychological distress to health professionals. The study’s findings relate how the… read more