Hanting Pan

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hanting Pan plays a role.

Pan, Hanting 2018 Chapter 11. The immigration of key cultural icons: A case study of church name translation in MacaoKey Cultural Texts in Translation, Malmkjær, Kirsten, Adriana Şerban and Fransiska Louwagie (eds.), pp. 185–201 | Chapter
The Church is a key icon of Christianity. Journeying to disseminate Christianity eastward, many European missionaries chose Macao as their first stop in China, and built churches for religious practice. To have the new religion recognised by local people, the foreign church names were translated… read more
Pan, Hanting and Yuechen Wang 2018 Andrew Chesterman. Reflections on Translation Theory: Selected papers 1993–2014 Babel 64:2, pp. 326–333 | Review
Zhang, Meifang and Hanting Pan 2017 Institutional power in and behind discourse: A case study of SARS notices and their translations used in MacaoDiscourse Analysis in Translation Studies, Munday, Jeremy and Meifang Zhang (eds.), pp. 63–81 | Article
This article takes a critical approach to the study of the SARS notices and their translations from the perspective of discourse analysis. Drawing upon the insights of systemic functional linguistics (SFL) and critical discourse analysis (CDA), this study explores how language is used by different… read more
This article conducts a corpus-based critical discourse analysis of keywords and their translations in Macao’s gaming discourse, with an aim to explore the impact of translation on the construction of gaming discourse and the development of the gaming industry in Macao from 1999 to 2011, the first… read more
Zhang, Meifang and Hanting Pan 2015 Institutional power in and behind discourse: A case study of SARS notices and their translations used in MacaoDiscourse Analysis in Translation Studies, Munday, Jeremy and Meifang Zhang (eds.), pp. 387–405 | Article
This article takes a critical approach to the study of the SARS notices and their translations from the perspective of discourse analysis. Drawing upon the insights of systemic functional linguistics (SFL) and critical discourse analysis (CDA), this study explores how language is used by different… read more