Zoe Wu

List of John Benjamins publications for which Zoe Wu plays a role.


There is increasing evidence that languages may use distinct forms to encode definiteness in instances of anaphoric and non-anaphoric definiteness, for example, distinct determiners, or bare classifier vs. bare noun patterns. This chapter considers a recent, prominent claim in Jenks (2018) that… read more
This paper examines variation in the interpretation of the Chinese verbal suffix ‑le and attributes it to a process of ongoing change in which an original aspectual system is gradually developing into a new tense system. The paper argues that the incremental pattern of re-grammaticalization can… read more
Wu, Zoe 2004 Restructuring and the development of functional categoriesDiachronic Clues to Synchronic Grammar, Fuß, Eric and Carola Trips (eds.), pp. 191–217 | Chapter