Joris Bleys

List of John Benjamins publications for which Joris Bleys plays a role.


Bleys, Joris 2012 Language strategies for colorExperiments in Cultural Language Evolution, Steels, Luc (ed.), pp. 61–85 | Article
This chapter studies three strategies giving rise to color categories and descriptions for them: a strategy for basic hue terms (``yellow'', ``blue'', ``green'', etc.), for brightness terms (``shiny'', ``dull'', etc.) and for graded membership terms (as in: ``very blue'' or ``slightly blue''). … read more
Bleys, Joris, Kevin Stadler and Joachim De Beule 2011 Search in linguistic processingDesign Patterns in Fluid Construction Grammar, Steels, Luc (ed.), pp. 149–180 | Article
Almost all words and syntactic patterns in human languages have multiple meanings and functions, requiring parsing and production to explore multiple hypotheses before a definite choice can be made. FCG supports standard heuristic search techniques to set up and manage search spaces and employs… read more