Julio Calvo Pérez
List of John Benjamins publications for which Julio Calvo Pérez plays a role.
Unité et diversité des expressions figées en espagnol: Le cas du Pérou Spanish Phraseology: Varieties and variations, Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro and Xavier Blanco (eds.), pp. 301–312 | Article
2015 The purpose of this paper is to establish practical ways of comparing complex structures of two different Spanish dialects, in this case the Peruvian and Peninsular dialects. Fixed locutions may have either common elements in the extension and / or the support element or be totally different. In… read more
Fonología y ortografía de las lenguas indígenas de América del Sur a la luz de los primeros misioneros gramáticos Missionary Linguistics II / Lingüística misionera II: Orthography and Phonology, Zwartjes, Otto and Cristina Altman (eds.), pp. 137–170 | Article
2005 Las perífrasis verbales en la Gramática quechua de Diego González Holguín (1607) Missionary Linguistics/Lingüística misionera: Selected papers from the First International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Oslo, 13–16 March 2003, Zwartjes, Otto and Even Hovdhaugen (eds.), pp. 93–112 | Article