Amiel Jansen Demetrial

List of John Benjamins publications for which Amiel Jansen Demetrial plays a role.


Guinto, Nicanor, Brian D. Villaverde, Amiel Jansen Demetrial and Aurelio Teodoro Maguyon III 2024 Rethinking researcher-participant roles: Ethics of care and collaboration in the migration linguistics of precarious migrantsMultilingualism and Mobility in the Twenty-First Century: New Trajectories and Possibilities in Migration Linguistics, Borlongan, Ariane Macalinga and Lisa Lim (eds.), pp. 156–176 | Article
Recent studies on language and migration have attempted to address the social injustices stemming from global disparities in wealth and opportunities. However, there’s a risk of researchers unintentionally reinforcing traditional power dynamics, positioning themselves in power while reducing… read more