The literature on online mental health support groups usually stresses the harmonious side of users’ interactions. However, differences regarding the experience of the illness might escalate into social conflict. The aim of this study is to explore acts of conflict resolution in an online… read more
In this study, we compare how ‘peer experts’, understood as lay users who have achieved expertise and credibility on a particular health condition through personal experience (Vydiswaran and Reddy 2019), fulfill a bridging function by creating shared understandings on patient fora on diabetes vs… read more
Narrating the personal experience of a chronic illness poses the challenge of reflecting on epistemic states and sources of evidence that shape the person´s past, present and future selves. To explore the role of evidentials in different illness stories, 32 unsolicited narratives of eating… read more
La imagen constituye un fenómeno que puede abordarse desde múltiples perspectivas y que involucra distintos componentes de carácter cognitivo, psicológico, social, cultural e interpersonal. El presente trabajo persigue un doble objetivo: por una parte, ofrecer una definición multidimensional e… read more
Narratives of severe mental illness can be regarded as the discursive efforts of a healthy self to restore a sense of selfhood disrupted by the illness. Focusing on a sample of 87 unsolicited online illness narratives of eating disorders in Spanish, this article explores how narrators deployed… read more