Magda Ševčíková

List of John Benjamins publications for which Magda Ševčíková plays a role.


Ševčíková, Magda and Hana Hledíková 2022 Chapter 8. Paradigms in English and Czech noun/verb conversion: A contrastive study of corresponding lexemesParadigms in Word Formation: Theory and applications, Ruz, Alba E., Cristina Fernández-Alcaina and Cristina Lara-Clares (eds.), pp. 181–214 | Chapter
The study deals with English noun/verb conversion pairs that have both formally and semantically close counterpart pairs in Czech. The study’s aim is to examine how these nouns and verbs, linked with similar semantic relations in English and Czech, are accommodated in the two languages with… read more
Panevová, Jarmila and Magda Ševčíková 2014 Delimitation of information between grammatical rules and lexiconDependency Linguistics: Recent advances in linguistic theory using dependency structures, Gerdes, Kim, Eva Hajičová and Leo Wanner (eds.), pp. 33–52 | Article
The present paper contributes to the long-term linguistic discussion on the boundaries between grammar and lexicon by analyzing four related issues from Czech. The analysis is based on the theoretical framework of Functional Generative Description (FGD), which has been elaborated in Prague since… read more