Joseph V. Casillas
List of John Benjamins publications for which Joseph V. Casillas plays a role.
Literal is not always easier: Literal and default translation, cognitive effort, and comparable corpora Translation, Cognition & Behavior 4:1, pp. 98–123 | Article
2021 “Literal translation” is a popular construct in Translation Studies. Research from computational approaches has consistently shown that non-literal translations, i.e., renderings semantically and syntactically different or not close to the source text, are more difficult or effortful to produce… read more
Suprasegmental information cues morphological anticipation during L1/L2 lexical access Journal of Second Language Studies 1:1, pp. 31–59 | Article
2018 We use visual-world eye-tracking and gating methods to investigate whether Spanish monolinguals and English late learners of Spanish use prosodic cues (lexical stress) to anticipate morphological information (suffixes) during spoken word recognition, and if they do, whether L2 proficiency and… read more
Language choice and accommodation: Casual encounters in San Ysidro and Nogales Spanish in Context 14:1, pp. 78–98 | Article
2017 The present study investigates language choice in two bilingual speech communities in the United States: Nogales, AZ and San Ysidro, CA. Ethnically distinct fieldworkers approached members of these two communities under the guise of being lost tourists in order to engage in casual speech… read more