Simon Sauer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Simon Sauer plays a role.


Belz, Malte, Simon Sauer, Anke Lüdeling and Christine Mooshammer 2017 Fluently disfluent? Pauses and repairs of advanced learners and native speakers of GermanSegmental, prosodic and fluency features in phonetic learner corpora, Trouvain, Jürgen, Frank Zimmerer, Bernd Möbius, Mária Gósy and Anne Bonneau (eds.), pp. 118–148 | Article
In this article, we explore the disfluencies of advanced learners and native speakers of German in spontaneous speech. We focus on the frequency, form, and place of silent and filled pauses as well as self-repairs. Frequency significantly differs for silent pauses only. As to form, the… read more
Sauer, Simon and Anke Lüdeling 2016 Flexible multi-layer spoken dialogue corporaCompilation, transcription, markup and annotation of spoken corpora, Kirk, John M. and Gisle Andersen (eds.), pp. 419–438 | Article
This paper describes the construction of deeply annotated spoken dialogue corpora. To ensure a maximum of flexibility — in the degree of normalization, the types and formats of annotations, the possibilities for modifying and extending the corpus, or the use for research questions not originally… read more