Arie Wilschut

List of John Benjamins publications for which Arie Wilschut plays a role.


Oattes, Huub, Ron Oostdam, Rick de Graaff, Ruben Fukkink and Arie Wilschut 2018 Content and Language Integrated Learning in Dutch bilingual education: How Dutch history teachers focus on second language teachingCLIL and Bilingual Education in the Netherlands, Mearns, Tessa and Rick de Graaff (eds.), pp. 156–176 | Article
This small-scale observational study explores how Dutch bilingual education history teachers (BHTs) focus on the L2 component in their CLIL-lessons. We observed and rated eight BHTs on five language teaching categories. Results show that Dutch BHTs focus more strongly on using the L2 to teach… read more