Uli Lutz

List of John Benjamins publications for which Uli Lutz plays a role.


Wh-Scope Marking

Edited by Uli Lutz, Gereon Müller and Arnim von Stechow

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 37] 2000. vi, 483 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Semantics | Syntax

On Extraction and Extraposition in German

Edited by Uli Lutz and Jürgen Pafel

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 11] 1995. xii, 315 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Syntax


Lutz, Uli 2014 Structures of ‘emphatic topicalization’ in BavarianBavarian Syntax: Contributions to the theory of syntax, Grewendorf, Günther and Helmut Weiß (eds.), pp. 113–144 | Article
Bavarian emphatic topicalization as in its most simple form Dees wann-e wissert! (‘If I only knew that!’) differs markedly from topicalization in Standard German which does not allow for topicalization to the left of a lexical complementizer in V-final clauses. The paper reviews some basic… read more
Lutz, Uli, Gereon Müller and Arnim von Stechow 2000 IntroductionWh-Scope Marking, Lutz, Uli, Gereon Müller and Arnim von Stechow (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Miscellaneous
Lutz, Uli 1995 Some Notes on Extraction TheoryOn Extraction and Extraposition in German, Lutz, Uli and Jürgen Pafel (eds.), pp. 1–44 | Article