Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker

List of John Benjamins publications for which Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker plays a role.


Language Contact and Change in the Americas: Studies in honor of Marianne Mithun

Edited by Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker, Diane M. Hintz and Carmen Dagostino

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 173] 2016. viii, 416 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Historical linguistics | Languages of North America | Languages of South America | Theoretical linguistics


Gawne, Lauren, Chelsea Krajcik, Helene N. Andreassen, Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker and Barbara F. Kelly 2019 Data transparency and citation in the journal GestureGesture 18:1, pp. 83–109 | Article
Data is central to scholarly research, but the nature and location of data used is often under-reported in research publications. Greater transparency and citation of data have positive effects for the culture of research. This article presents the results of a survey of data citation in six… read more
Berez-Kroeker, Andrea L. 2016 Contact and semantic shift in extreme language endangerment: Ahtna riverine directionals in a cardinal worldLanguage Contact and Change in the Americas: Studies in honor of Marianne Mithun, Berez-Kroeker, Andrea L., Diane M. Hintz and Carmen Dagostino (eds.), pp. 107–138 | Article
This paper examines the effects of contact with English on the directional system of Ahtna, an endangered Athabascan language of Alaska. The Ahtna directionals reference direction and location in the geographic landscape, but contact with the dominant English system is causing changes in lexicon… read more
This article is a quantitative examination of the function of prosody in distinguishing between the genres of oral performance and expository discourse in Ahtna, an Athabascan language of south-central Alaska. Within the framework of the intonation unit (e.g., Chafe 1987) I examine features of… read more