Jose Tummers
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jose Tummers plays a role.
Lectal constraining of lexical collocations: How a word’s company is influenced by the usage settings Constructions and Frames 7:1, pp. 1–46 | Article
2015 Adopting a corpus-based approach, lexical collocations are reconsidered from a lectal perspective. Analyzing adjective-noun collocations, it will be shown that lexical collocations are conditioned by the language settings in which they are used. These lectal constraints do not only apply to lexical… read more
Spurious effects in variational corpus linguistics: Identification and implications of confounding International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 19:4, pp. 478–504 | Article
2014 As repositories of spontaneously realized language, corpora generally have an uncontrolled and unbalanced structure where all variables operate simultaneously. Consequently, a variable’s real effect can be concealed when studied in isolation because of the exclusion of the impact of other… read more
Lexical patterning in a construction grammar: The effect of lexical co-occurrence patterns on the inflectional variation in Dutch attributive adjectives Constructions and Frames 1:1, pp. 87–118 | Article
2009 This paper compares two measures that quantify lexical preference patterns in the area of Construction Grammar, namely, collostructions and (construction-internal) collocations (as conceived by Stefan Th. Gries and Anatol Stefanowitsch). Starting from a case study, inflectional variation in Dutch… read more