Lauren B. Schmidt
List of John Benjamins publications for which Lauren B. Schmidt plays a role.
Developing language attitudes in a second language: Learner perceptions of regional varieties of Spanish Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 35:1, pp. 206–235 | Article
2022 The current study explores the second language(L2) acquisition of subconsciously held language attitudes. Specifically, we determine whether L2 learners perceive differences between Spanish speakers of four geographic varieties and evaluate them differently, and if these perceptions change with… read more
Chapter 6. The role of social networks in cross-dialectal variation in the perception of the Rioplatense assibilated pre-palatal [ʃ] Recent Advances in the Study of Spanish Sociophonetic Perception, Chappell, Whitney (ed.), pp. 187–210 | Chapter
2019 This chapter presents a quantitative study of cross-dialectal differences in the perceptual categorization of the assibilated pre-palatal (e.g., calle ‘street’ /kaʃe/), a feature of Rioplatense Argentine Spanish. Listeners from two South American varieties of Spanish that varied in degree of… read more
Chapter 1. Sociolinguistic competence and the acquisition of speaking Speaking in a Second Language, Alonso, Rosa Alonso (ed.), pp. 1–24 | Chapter
2018 In face-to-face spoken interactions, language learners must construct a meaningful message consistent with the L2 grammar, articulate it comprehensibly, and manage the aspects of oral communication that reflect speaker identity, interlocutor identities, and the characteristics of the… read more