Jonathan Downie
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jonathan Downie plays a role.
Chapter 11. Where is it all going? Technology, economic pressures and the future of interpreting Interpreting Technologies – Current and Future Trends, Corpas Pastor, Gloria and Bart Defrancq (eds.), pp. 277–301 | Chapter
2023 Not since the advent of simultaneous interpreting last century has interpreting faced such seismic technological shifts. From the growth of remote interpreting to the seemingly miraculous development of automated speech translation, high-quality human interpreters seem to be threatened with… read more
A comparative interpreting studies view of interpreting in religious contexts Translation and Interpreting Studies 18:3, pp. 448–470 | Article
2023 This article applies Comparative Interpreting Studies to research on interpreting in religious contexts and the relevance of this literature to interpreting studies more broadly. Comparative Interpreting Studies is an approach that looks to plot the commonalities of all interpreting practice. It… read more
Interpreting is interpreting: Why we need to leave behind interpreting settings to discover Comparative Interpreting Studies Translation and Interpreting Studies 16:3, pp. 325–346 | Article
2021 This article argues that the use of interpreting settings as theoretical categories is no longer empirically sound. Instead, research should focus on the commonalities of all interpreting practice. This move is viewed as an enabling shift for the creation of Comparative Interpreting Studies, a… read more
Finding and critiquing the invisible interpreter – a response to Uldis Ozolins Interpreting 19:2, pp. 260–270 | Discussion