Lieve Macken

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lieve Macken plays a role.


Daems, Joke, Michael Carl, Sonia Vandepitte, Robert J. Hartsuiker and Lieve Macken 2018 How do students cope with machine translation output of multiword units? An exploratory studyMultiword Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, Mitkov, Ruslan, Johanna Monti, Gloria Corpas Pastor and Violeta Seretan (eds.), pp. 61–80 | Chapter
In this chapter, we take a closer look at students’ post-editing of multiword units (MWUs) from English into Dutch. The data consists of newspaper articles post-edited by translation students as collected by means of advanced keystroke logging tools.We discuss the quality of the machine translation… read more
Macken, Lieve and Arda Tezcan 2018 Dutch compound splitting for bilingual terminology extractionMultiword Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, Mitkov, Ruslan, Johanna Monti, Gloria Corpas Pastor and Violeta Seretan (eds.), pp. 147–162 | Chapter
As compounds pose a problem for applications that rely on precise word alignments, we developed a state-of-the-art compound splitter for Dutch that makes use of corpus frequency information and linguistic knowledge. Domain-adaptation techniques are used to combine large out-of-domain and… read more
Macken, Lieve, Els Lefever and Véronique Hoste 2013 TExSIS: Bilingual terminology extraction from parallel corpora using chunk-based alignmentTerminology 19:1, pp. 1–30 | Article
We report on TExSIS, a flexible bilingual terminology extraction system that uses a sophisticated chunk-based alignment method for the generation of candidate terms, after which the specificity of the candidate terms is determined by combining several statistical filters. Although the set-up of… read more