Kristan A. Marchak
List of John Benjamins publications for which Kristan A. Marchak plays a role.
Student retention in minority immersion education: What can we learn from parental decisions? Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education: Online-First Articles | Article
2024 Despite the popularity of immersion/bilingual programs across the globe, student retention from kindergarten to the last year of high school has been a preoccupying issue for decades. There is a dearth of research exploring the challenges faced by parents, who are the primary decision-makers… read more
Examining ambiguous adjectives in adjective-noun phrases: Evidence for representation as a shared core-meaning with sense specialization The Mental Lexicon 5:1, pp. 87–114 | Article
2010 The meaning of a modifier is influenced by the noun it modifies (Murphy, 1988). To determine how alternative senses of ambiguous adjectives are represented, we examined the processing of noun phrases. Ambiguous adjectives were paired with nouns such that the interpretation of the phrases used the… read more