Dunia Catalina Méndez Vallejo
List of John Benjamins publications for which Dunia Catalina Méndez Vallejo plays a role.
Syntactic variation in Colombian Spanish: The case of the Focalizing Ser (FS) structure Romance Linguistics 2009: Selected papers from the 39th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Tucson, Arizona, March 2009, Colina, Sonia, Antxon Olarrea and Ana Maria Carvalho (eds.), pp. 169–186 | Article
2010 This article examines some of the syntactic properties of the Focalizing ser (FS) structure in Colombian Spanish. The FS has been reported in only a few dialects of Spanish (Venezuelan, Colombian, Ecuadorian, Dominican, and Panamanian), and it is not stigmatized, despite being dialectally marked.… read more