This study examines loanwords, coined native words and code-switching in taster meal conversations and how their use relates to food identity and linguistic identity in Wolof and Eegimaa (two languages spoken in Senegal). The analysis reveals that the use of loanwords by Wolof and Eegimaa… read more
This study investigates how Japanese and American English speakers use modal/ evidential forms and body movments to identify and assess an unfamiliar drink at a taster lunch. Results show that the Japanese used more sensory evidential forms, truth approximation forms, and final particles to request… read more
In this paper, I investigate how a professor fits her story of a famous haiku into the structure of a large lecture and adapts verbal/ nonverbal resources to create involvement. I demonstrate how she uses (1) knowledge questions to establish the tellability of her story, (2) final particles yo ne… read more