J. Peter Maher

List of John Benjamins publications for which J. Peter Maher plays a role.


Linguistics and Evolutionary Theory: Three Essays. New edition

With an introduction by J. Peter Maher

[Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics, 1800–1925, 6] 1983. xlvi, 84, 78 pp. (altog. 210 pp.).
Subjects Evolution of language | Philosophy | Theoretical linguistics

Papers from the Third International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Hamburg, August 22–26 1977

Edited by J. Peter Maher, Allan R. Bomhard and E.F.K. Koerner †

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 13] 1982. xvi, 434 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics
Subjects Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Maher, J. Peter 1983 IntroductionLinguistics and Evolutionary Theory: Three Essays, Maher, J. Peter, pp. xvii–xxxii | Introduction
Maher, J. Peter 1980 The source of italian tardiItalic and Romance: Linguistic studies in honor of Ernst Pulgram, Izzo, Herbert J. (ed.), pp. 113–120 | Article