Rolf Kailuweit
List of John Benjamins publications for which Rolf Kailuweit plays a role.
Romance object-experiencer verbs: From aktionsart to activity hierarchy Verb Classes and Aspect, Barrajón López, Elisa, José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia and Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.), pp. 312–333 | Article
2015 The present paper deals with Romance Objective-Experiencer verbs (OE-verbs). I will show that the different subclasses fit into a continuum between a causative and an unaccusative pole. In order to describe their varying syntactic behaviour, a finer-grained analysis of the subevents they denote… read more
Radical Role and Reference Grammar (RRRG): A sketch for remodelling the Syntax-Semantics-Interface Linking Constructions into Functional Linguistics: The role of constructions in grammar, Nolan, Brian and Elke Diedrichsen (eds.), pp. 103–142 | Article
2013 Starting from the idea of a “holistic approach” (Van Valin 1980) based on text interpretation and communication analysis, the chapter sketches a radical, i.e. back to the roots, remodelling of standard RRG (Van Valin & LaPolla 1997; Van Valin 2005, 2010). It will be shown that a bidirectional… read more
“Floating plurals”, prodrop and agreement – an optimality-based RRG approach
Investigations of the Syntax–Semantics–Pragmatics Interface, Van Valin Jr., Robert D. (ed.), pp. 179–202 | ArticleIn this paper, I shall try to provide a RRG description of agreement marking and “morphological” argument realization in Spanish. In Spanish, subject agreement can be expressed by a suffix, but the same suffix can realize the PSA-argument. Object clitics, too, can realize arguments or serve as… read more
Verbes de sentiment « figurés » de la classe N0 V N1sujet_intentionnel Lingvisticæ Investigationes 24:2, pp. 227–243 | Article
2001 Summary This paper accounts for French and Italian figurative verbs of emotion. These verbs are ambiguous in so far as they have a “physical » and a “psychological » meaning. French verbs are extracted from LG Table 4. I will consider the idea put forward by Lamiroy that the psychological use a of… read more