Jacopo Torregrossa

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jacopo Torregrossa plays a role.

Torregrossa, Jacopo, Christiane Bongartz and Sonja Eisenbeiss 2025 Does ‘translanguaging’ equal ‘reasoning in multiple languages?’: Back to the basics of translanguaging as a way forwardEpistemological issue: Translanguaging, Flores, Cristina and Neal Snape (eds.), pp. 92–97 | Commentary
Andreou, Maria, Jacopo Torregrossa and Christiane Bongartz 2023 The use of null subjects by Greek-Italian bilingual children: Identifying cross-linguistic effectsIndividual Differences in Anaphora Resolution: Language and cognitive effects, Fotiadou, Georgia and Ianthi Maria Tsimpli (eds.), pp. 166–191 | Chapter
It has been shown that Greek and Italian vary in the use of null subjects (Torregrossa, Bongartz & Tsimpli 2015; Torregrossa, Andreou & Bongartz 2020): while Italian null subjects tend to refer to the subject of the preceding clause, Greek null subjects show a less restricted distribution. The… read more
Torregrossa, Jacopo and Christiane Bongartz 2023 Activation of referents in the bilingual mindIndividual Differences in Anaphora Resolution: Language and cognitive effects, Fotiadou, Georgia and Ianthi Maria Tsimpli (eds.), pp. 221–244 | Chapter
This paper investigates reference production by bilingual and monolingual children. We focus on the degree to which the activation of referents is encoded by different types of referring expressions among bilinguals and monolinguals. The study is based on forty-six story retellings produced in… read more
Torregrossa, Jacopo, Christiane Bongartz and Ianthi Maria Tsimpli 2021 Bilingual reference production: A cognitive-computational accountPsycholinguistic Approaches to Production and Comprehension in Bilingual Adults and Children, Fernandez, Leigh B., Kalliopi Katsika, Maialen Iraola Azpiroz and Shanley E.M. Allen (eds.), pp. 67–97 | Chapter
We investigate reference production in bilingual children. Based on Kibrik (2011), we analyze the production of referring expressions in discourse in terms of activation of a referent. We propose a novel approach, which calculates activation by taking into account different activation-lending… read more
Torregrossa, Jacopo, Christiane Bongartz and Ianthi Maria Tsimpli 2019 Bilingual reference production: A cognitive-computational accountPsycholinguistic approaches to production and comprehension in bilingual adults and children, Azpiroz, Maialen Iraola, Shanley E.M. Allen, Kalliopi Katsika and Leigh B. Fernandez (eds.), pp. 569–599 | Article
We investigate reference production in bilingual children. Based on Kibrik (2011), we analyze the production of referring expressions in discourse in terms of activation of a referent. We propose a novel approach, which calculates activation by taking into account different activation-lending… read more
Torregrossa, Jacopo 2018 Chapter 6. Distinguishing contrast and focus at PF: A view from ItalianFocus Realization in Romance and Beyond, García García, Marco and Melanie Uth (eds.), pp. 173–200 | Chapter
This paper argues in favor of the hypothesis that contrast and focus are two independent categories of information structure (Neeleman & Vermeulen 2012). After showing that contrast and focus have a different semantics (Torregrossa 2015), I investigate whether they are associated with different… read more
Cantarini, Sibilla and Jacopo Torregrossa 2014 On polar questions, negation, and the syntactic encoding of epistemicityCertainty-uncertainty – and the Attitudinal Space in Between, Cantarini, Sibilla, Werner Abraham and Elisabeth Leiss (eds.), pp. 199–215 | Article
This paper focuses mainly on negative polar questions. Following on from the relevant literature, we distinguish between two types of negative polar questions – those with inner negation and those with outer negation – showing that each is associated with specific morphosyntactic and semantic… read more
This paper is concerned with low topics in the sentential left periphery. It builds on two main assumptions: (1) postfocal material is right-dislocated (Samek-Lodovici 2006); (2) fronted focus in Italian triggers a phonological process called ‘ripple effect of focus’ (Zubizarreta 2010). First, I… read more