Ellen Bramwell
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ellen Bramwell plays a role.
A metaphorical spectrum: Surveying colour terms in English Colour Studies: A broad spectrum, Anderson, Wendy, Carole P. Biggam, Carole Hough and Christian Kay (eds.), pp. 140–152 | Article
2014 This chapter investigates the figurative use of a selection of colour words in the Historical Thesaurus of English, published as the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary (Kay et al. 2009) and containing the recorded vocabulary of the language from Old English to the present. The… read more
Colours in the community: Surnames and bynames in Scottish society New Directions in Colour Studies, Biggam, Carole P., Carole Hough, Christian Kay and David R. Simmons (eds.), pp. 161–170 | Article
2011 The hundred most common surnames in Scotland include seven colour terms. Surnames developed from bynames, as extra names given to individuals to distinguish them from others of the same name. Bynames are still in use within some communities, including in some areas of Scotland. By investigating how… read more