James Hadley

List of John Benjamins publications for which James Hadley plays a role.


Indirect Translation and Sustainable Development

Edited by Jan Buts, Hanna Pięta, Laura Ivaska and James Hadley

Special issue of Translation Spaces 12:2 (2023) v, 181 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Translation Studies


Buts, Jan, Hanna Pięta, Laura Ivaska and James Hadley 2023 Indirect translation and sustainable development: IntroductionIndirect Translation and Sustainable Development, Buts, Jan, Hanna Pięta, Laura Ivaska and James Hadley (eds.), pp. 167–176 | Review article
In August 2022, the New York Times published an article entitled Why is this colorful little wheel suddenly everywhere in Japan? (Dooley and Ueno 2022). The little wheel refers to the logo of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a United Nations (UN) initiative at the core of Agenda 2030,… read more