Enrique Mallén

List of John Benjamins publications for which Enrique Mallén plays a role.


Features and Interfaces in Romance: Essays in honor of Heles Contreras

Edited by Julia Herschensohn, Enrique Mallén and Karen Zagona

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 222] 2001. xiv, 302 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Mallén, Enrique 2002 Attributive adjectives in Germanic and RomanceIssues in Formal German(ic) Typology, Abraham, Werner and C. Jan-Wouter Zwart (eds.), pp. 193–222 | Article
Gutiérrez-Rexach, Javier and Enrique Mallén 2001 NP Movement and Adjective Position in the DP PhasesFeatures and Interfaces in Romance: Essays in honor of Heles Contreras, Herschensohn, Julia, Enrique Mallén and Karen Zagona (eds.), pp. 107 ff. | Article
Mallén, Enrique 2000 A Minimalist Perspective on Wackernagel’s LawNew Approaches to Old Problems: Issues in Romance historical linguistics, Dworkin, Steven N. and Dieter Wanner (eds.), pp. 199 ff. | Chapter
Mallén, Enrique 1998 Condition on Feature Specification and Negative Lexicalization in SpanishRomance Linguistics: Theoretical Perspectives, Schwegler, Armin, Bernard Tranel and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria (eds.), pp. 171 ff. | Article