Alexis Manaster-Ramer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexis Manaster-Ramer plays a role.


Subjects Theoretical linguistics
Manaster-Ramer, Alexis, Peter A. Michalove, Karen S. Baertsch and Karen L. Adams 1998 Exploring the Nostratic HypothesisNostratic: Sifting the Evidence, Salmons, Joseph C. and Brian D. Joseph (eds.), pp. 61–84 | Article
Baxter, William H. and Alexis Manaster-Ramer 1996 Review of Ringe (1992): On Calculating the Factor of Chance in Language ComparisonDiachronica 13:2, pp. 371–384 | Review
Manaster-Ramer, Alexis 1994 From Pitta-Pitta to Proto-Indo-EuropeanDiachronica 11:1, pp. 141–146 | Miscellaneous
Manaster-Ramer, Alexis 1994 Clusters or Affricates in Kartvelian and Nostratic?Diachronica 11:2, pp. 157–170 | Article
SUMMARY Among the weakest points of Illic-Svityd's reconstruction of Nostratic is the complex system of affricates, which in Indo-European are supposed to yield *st, *sk, *skw, and *sky clusters. In what is one of the few substantive critiques of the Nostratic hypothesis, Doerfer (1973) took the… read more
Manaster-Ramer, Alexis 1993 On Illič-Svityč's Nostratic TheoryStudies in Language 17:1, pp. 205–250 | Review
Manaster-Ramer, Alexis 1992 The Korean Precursors of Generative PhonologyThe Joy of Grammar: A festschrift in honor of James D. McCawley, Brentari, Diane, Gary N. Larson and Lynn A. MacLeod (eds.), pp. 213–224 | Article
Manaster-Ramer, Alexis 1992 On Anecdotal Universals in Historical LinguisticsDiachronica 9:1, pp. 135–137 | Miscellaneous
Manaster-Ramer, Alexis 1988 The Phoneme in Generative Phonology and in Phonological ChangeDiachronica 5:1/2, pp. 109–139 | Article
SUMMARY Generative phonology comes out of phonemic and morphonemic theory, except that it gives up the phonemic level. Since the early 1970s, a number of attempts have been made to bring the phoneme back. One of the earliest and strongest was that of Schane (1971). His claim was that features which… read more
Manaster-Ramer, Alexis 1987 IntroductionMathematics of Language: Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 1984, Manaster-Ramer, Alexis (ed.), pp. x–ix | Miscellaneous
Rounds, William C., Alexis Manaster-Ramer and Joyce Friedman 1987 Finding Natural Languages a Home in Formal Language TheoryMathematics of Language: Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 1984, Manaster-Ramer, Alexis (ed.), pp. 349–360 | Article