Witold Mańczak

List of John Benjamins publications for which Witold Mańczak plays a role.

Mańczak, Witold 1994 Protoroman et Origine des Langues RomanesLingvisticæ Investigationes 18:2, pp. 365–369 | Article
Mańczak, Witold 1992 6. Les désinences de grec φέρεις et φέρειςHistorical Philology: Greek, Latin, and Romance, Brogyanyi, Bela and Reiner Lipp (eds.), pp. 67–76 | Article
Mańczak, Witold 1991 Chute Irrégulière Du L En Français Du CanadaDiachronica 8:2, pp. 189–200 | Article
SUMMARY In Canadian French the definite articles and the pronouns of the third person show irregular loss of /. The same phenomenon occurs in the language used in France, cf. des de illos, de Mas, ça < cela, oui < oïl. The same applies to other Romance languages, cf. Port, o, a, os, as RÉSUMÉ Dans… read more
Mańczak, Witold 1984 Origine Méridionale Du GotiqueDiachronica 1:1, pp. 79–102 | Article
SUMMARY The author compared fragments of the Gothic Bible with several parallel texts: High German, Low German, Eastern Frisian, and Danish. The result of the comparison was that the number of lexical simüarities between Gothic and the languages mentioned diminishes in the direction from South to… read more