Ángel López García

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ángel López García plays a role.

López García, Ángel 2020 The future tense in Spanish: An enactive approachChanges in Meaning and Function: Studies in historical linguistics with a focus on Spanish, Fernández Jaén, Jorge and Herminia Provencio Garrigós (eds.), pp. 159–172 | Chapter
Linguistic theories emphasize either the inner point of view that explains linguistic phenomena starting from universal structures of the human mind, or the outer point of view that relies on the structure of communication. Enaction is a cognitive approach that locates halfway between formal and… read more
López García, Ángel 2010 Introduction: Multilingualism and literature in the Iberian PeninsulaA Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula: Volume I, Cabo Aseguinolaza, Fernando, Anxo Abuín González and César Domínguez (eds.), pp. 325–332 | Article
López García, Ángel, Amparo Montaner-Montava, Ricardo Morant and Manuel Prunyonosa 2010 Research on first and second language cognition may benefit from small-world network methodologyFORUM 8:2, pp. 267–277 | Article
Abstract/Résumé Le but de cet article est tirer profit de la méthodologie des réseaux petits-mondes pour l’investigation des relations linguistiques au cerveau en ce qui concerne la première et la seconde langue. Il constitue une introduction à plusieurs travails spécifiques par des membres de… read more