Jean-Marie Marandin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jean-Marie Marandin plays a role.

Marandin, Jean-Marie 2011 Affordance and ability: How do participants replicate linguistic choices in the lab?Cognitive and Empirical Pragmatics: Issues and perspectives, Bochner, Gregory, Philippe De Brabanter, Mikhail Kissine and Daniela Rossi (eds.), pp. 30–50 | Article
This paper addresses epistemological issues raised by the use of elicited data in linguistic analyses. A common suspicion raised by experimental settings is this: participants in the lab do not replicate their everyday use of language, due to the artificiality of the tasks and of the contexts… read more
Godard, Danièle et Jean-Marie Marandin 2007 Aspects pragmatiques de la négation renforcée en italienLa négation dans les langues romanes, Floricic, Franck (dir.), pp. 137–160 | Article
Beyssade, Claire, Jean-Marie Marandin and Annie Rialland 2003 


A perspective from French
A Romance Perspective on Language Knowledge and Use: Selected papers from the 31st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Chicago, 19–22 April 2001, Núñez-Cedeño, Rafael, Luis López and Richard Cameron (eds.), pp. 83–98 | Article
Marandin, Jean-Marie 2001 Unaccusative inversion in FrenchRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 1999: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 1999, Leiden, 9–11 December 1999, D’hulst, Yves, Johan Rooryck and Jan Schroten (eds.), pp. 195–222 | Article
Cori, Marcel, Michel de Fornel and Jean-Marie Marandin 1997 Parsing repairsRecent Advances in Natural Language Processing: Selected Papers from RANLP ’95, Mitkov, Ruslan and Nicolas Nicolov (eds.), pp. 47–58 | Article