Tim Pooley
List of John Benjamins publications for which Tim Pooley plays a role.
The immigrant factor in phonological leveling Sociolinguistic Variation in Contemporary French, Beeching, Kate, Nigel Armstrong and Françoise Gadet (eds.), pp. 63–76 | Article
2009 This chapter investigates the relationship between immigration and the generally high degree of phonological leveling in France in the latter part of the 20th. century. It draws together the findings of a number of studies of the pronunciation of young people of Maghrebian origin in French cities… read more
10. Analyzing urban youth vernaculars in French cities: Lexicographical, variationist and ethnographic approaches Studies in French Applied Linguistics, Ayoun, Dalila (ed.), pp. 317–344 | Article
2008 Alors qu’on constate un nivellement sociolinguistique avancé dans les français d’Europe, mais surtout en France, le langage vernaculaire des jeunes a parfois été présenté comme contre-exemple à cette tendance généralisée. Dans ce chapitre, je me propose de passer en revue tout d’abord les travaux à… read more
The uneasy interface: Methodological issues in using data from traditional and urban dialectology in (re-)constructing sociolinguistic history Corpus-Based Perspectives in Linguistics, Kawaguchi, Yuji, Toshihiro Takagaki, Nobuo Tomimori and Yoichiro Tsuruga (eds.), pp. 169–189 | Article