Teresa M. Xiqués

List of John Benjamins publications for which Teresa M. Xiqués plays a role.


Corre, Eric, Henriette E. de Swart and Teresa M. Xiqués 2023 Intermediate perfects: A comparison of Dutch, Catalan and BretonLanguages in Contrast 25:1, pp. 1–22 | Article
The cross-linguistic variation in distribution and meaning of perfect constructions building on have + past participle in Western European languages has been analysed in terms of the aoristic drift, the shift from resultative via perfect to perfective past meaning that takes us… read more
Xiqués, Teresa M. 2021 Chapter 8. More on hodiernalityThe Perfect Volume: Papers on the perfect, Eide, Kristin Melum and Marc Fryd (eds.), pp. 181–212 | Chapter
This paper builds on previous work and aims to examine one of the most striking differences between the uses of the present perfect in languages such as Catalan and English, namely, a hodiernal (‘today’) reading of the perfect available under certain conditions in these Romance languages but not… read more