Carsten Roever

List of John Benjamins publications for which Carsten Roever plays a role.

Book series

Roever, Carsten 2024 Assessment and L2 pragmaticsTrends in Second Language Pragmatics Research Part 2, pp. 117–130 | Article
Pragmatic and interactional abilities are represented in major models of second language (L2) communicative competence (Bachman & Palmer, 2010; Canale & Swain, 1980), which provide the framework for L2 assessment. However, pragmatics and interaction are only rarely tested in major operational… read more
This report presents regression discontinuity design (RDD) as a powerful analytical tool for use in applied linguistics showcased through our study of the impact of Japanese government study-abroad (SA) scholarships. RDD enables the estimation of causal effects in scenarios where a true… read more
Roever, Carsten, Natsuko Shintani, Yan Zhu and Rod Ellis 2023 Chapter 6. Proficiency effects on L2 pragmaticsL2 Pragmatics in Action: Teachers, learners and the teaching-learning interaction process, Martínez-Flor, Alicia, Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández and Júlia Barón (eds.), pp. 145–167 | Chapter
Proficiency is a widely used concept in second language (L2) pragmatics where it is commonly viewed as lexico-grammatical knowledge, and can be measured by means of standardised or researcher-designed tests, or estimated on the basis of levels in a language program. It is a common grouping… read more
Roever, Carsten, Yuki Higuchi, Miyuki Sasaki, Tomoko Yashima and Makiko Nakamuro 2023 Validating a test of L2 routine formulae to detect pragmatics learning in stay abroadApplied Pragmatics 5:1, pp. 41–63 | Article
There has long been interest in the effect of stay abroad on pragmatic development in second language (L2) pragmatics research. However, few testing instruments exist to assess pragmatics learning in stay abroad and provide information about learners’ development to help institutions evaluate… read more
Roever, Carsten and Neomy Storch 2015 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 38:1, p.  | Miscellaneous
Roever, Carsten and Neomy Storch 2014 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 37:1, p.  | Miscellaneous
Roever, Carsten and Neomy Storch 2014 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 37:2, p.  | Miscellaneous
Roever, Carsten 2013 Chapter 9. Technology and tests of L2 pragmaticsTechnology in Interlanguage Pragmatics Research and Teaching, Taguchi, Naoko and Julie M. Sykes (eds.), pp. 215–233 | Article
Computer-based testing of pragmatics is becoming more common but is still in its early stages. It offers a number of potential advantages in terms of logistics but potentially also with a positive impact on validity and the breadth of claims that a test can inform. This study discusses current uses… read more
Roever, Carsten and Neomy Storch 2013 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 36:2, pp. 130–131 | Miscellaneous
Roever, Carsten and Neomy Storch 2013 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 36:1, pp. 2–3 | Miscellaneous
Roever, Carsten and Neomy Storch 2012 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 35:1, pp. 2–3 | Miscellaneous
Roever, Carsten and Neomy Storch 2012 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 35:2, pp. 136–137 | Miscellaneous
Roever, Carsten and Neomy Storch 2011 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 34:2, p.  | Miscellaneous
Roever, Carsten 2010 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 33:1, p.  | Miscellaneous
Roever, Carsten 2010 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 33:2, p.  | Miscellaneous
Roever, Carsten 2009 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 32:3, p.  | Miscellaneous
Roever, Carsten 2009 EditorialClearing the Air: Applied linguistic perspectives on aviation communication, Read, John and Ute Knoch (eds.), p.  | Editorial
Roever, Carsten 2009 EditorialAustralian Review of Applied Linguistics 32:1, p.  | Miscellaneous